Distances between cities of Azerbaijan

Distances between cities of Azerbaijan (in kilometres)

  Baku Quba Sheki Ganja Shirvan Xankendi Nakhchivan
Baku - 170 300 360 135 390 730
Quba 170 - 425 500 275 530 865
Sheki 300 425 - 150 260 180 885
Ganja 360 500 150 - 255 160 810
Shirvan 135 275 260 255 - 285 630
Xankendi 390 530 180 160 285 - 765
Nakhchivan 730 865 885 810 630 765 -

Our drivers regularly inform us about changes on the roads, but OrexCA.com assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the data, as distance between cities may vary due to road constructions and diversions, as well as due to the different starting points of the initial and the final destination, the speedometer error, different diameter of tires, etc.


Additional table of distances between some tourist spots and towns in Azerbaijan and neighbouring countries

City Distance (km)
Baku - Gobustan Rock 70
Baku - Absheron 20
Baku - Lankaran 250
Baku - Shamakhi 125
Baku - Gebala 220
Baku - Sumqayit 40
Quba - Khinalug 55
Quba - Nabran 65
Shamakhvi - Lahic 60
Ganja - Barda 90
Ganja - Gazakh 110
Ganja - Mingecevir 80
Sheki - Balaken 100
Nakhchivan - Ordubad 80
Shirvan - Sarvan 65
Shirvan - Masali 130