Monument of Neutrality in Ashgabat

Interesting object for visiting in Ashkhabad is Monument of Neutrality which has been reopened in December, 2011 located for now in a southern part of Ashkhabad, on Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue - a passage of the largest highway.

Initially the monument has been erected in the centre of Ashkhabad and was named the Arch of Neutrality. It took place in 1998, in connection with proclamation of Turkmenistan as a neutral state. In 2010 the monument has been built down with the subsequent carrying over on its present site where the new modern architectural ensemble is formed.

So, now the general height of the Monument of the Neutrality is 95 meters, including 12-meter sculpture of Saparmurat Niyazov - the first president of Turkmenistan, established on its top. As before, thanks to the rotary mechanism, it will rotate after the sun.

The composition is decorated by the numerous bronze bas-reliefs opening the most important events of forming of Turkmen statehood from a basis of the nation of Oguz khan Turkmen with six of his sons, the image of ancient historical monuments and Dzhigits on Akhalteke horses, pictures of daily life of Turkmens.

Three columns of the monument symbolize "tagan" - support for a boiler for cooking meals. Thus, fireplace is a key element. The fireplace, in turn, should be associated with home, with Motherland. In addition to it, associations are strengthened by five horizontal belts in the middle of the monument meaning five Turkmen tribal unions.

Inside there is the Museum of Neutrality consisting of 3 halls and recreating significant events of internal and foreign policy of the modern time state.

The multi-level monument includes two observation platforms and the panoramic lift which is an axis of the construction. From the top of the construction visitors of the capital can appreciate beauty and grandeur of modern white marble Ashkhabad.

On adjoining park zone you can find numerous cascade fountains, arbors and cafes - the nuances which will make your walk unforgettable.