Customer Reviews

At OrexCA we strive for caring, personalized service for all of our clients, and as such we welcome your feedback, requests and comments. Thank you for helping us to improve our services!

Tashkent city tour
Just a short note to say thank you for your professional support during my short stay in Tashkent.
I think you did a wonderful job and will surely use your services during my next trip to your fascinating country. In the meantime, keep up the positive sentiment and the smiles )

Uzbekistan tour from Japan
We are now safely back to Japan. The trip was truly great, your plan was perfect…!
We want to thank you, Driver Bahtiyar and all the guides.
Hope to visit Uzbekistan and see you again.

Uzbekistan tour, Canadian girls
The girls and I would like to thank you once again for putting together a very thorough and interesting trip. We had a great time and will be looking forward to returning to Uzbekistan for a longer time in the future.
There were a few things we thought should be highlighted as they stood out particularly to us and we wanted you to be aware. Firstly, while both tour guides were very good, the one in Samarkand “Hurshid Narimov” was particularly excellent and we had an amazing day with him. He had a great sense of humor, was very knowledgeable, and even went above and beyond to treat us to a small gift for Women's Day. This was totally unexpected, and it really was something special. The same is true of our driver in Bukhara and Samarkand. He was friendly, extremely safe, and also treated us for Women's Day.
There were also a couple suggestions for future trips which we wanted to bring to light. One is that the hotel in Tashkent (Grand Orzu Hotel) on our last night was not very comfortable. Also, we would have liked to know how important it was to keep the hotel receipts (registration paper) for the border crossing back to Kyrgyzstan.
Otherwise, all in all it was a great trip and the hotels in Bukhara and Samarkand (Porso & Royal Palace) were wonderful.
Hopefully this feedback will be helpful to you in the future and we look forward many more trips throughout Central Asia.

Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan Tour
I would like to thank you again for the great tour through Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan you prepared for me. I can strongly recommend your travel agency, very efficient and serious. I will keep great pictures and souvenirs of this beautiful part of Silk road... once again thank you for all.

Yurt trip
Thank you for help with organizing the yurt trip. Almost everything was as agreed. My friends really enjoyed it. Wish you good luck!

Uzbekistan tour
Eine sehr schöne, gut organisierte Reise!
Wir werden sehr gern wieder bei Ihnen eine Reise durch Usbekistan buchen!
Unsere Bekannten in Usbekistan haben uns das Reisebüro empfohlen. Schon vorher hatten wir ein gutes Gefühl während wir unsere Reise mit Natascha Revina von geplant haben. Wir hatten einige Sonderwünsche, die aber alle geduldig entgegen genommen und sehr gut umgesetzt wurden. Auch während unserer Reise stand Natascha jederzeit als Ansprechpartnerin zur Verfügung.

Uzbekistan great tour
Thought I would share a few pictures of our tour of Uzbekistan that included some of our guides and our driver. We had a great tour and your staff was very friendly and accommodating. Thank you again for all your help and please pass along our thanks to all your staff, guides, and drivers.

Uzbekistan historical tour
This is to say Thank you for all the Wonderful service from all your people and the warm reception that we had from Uzbek People all over at Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand. We enjoyed our stay and learned a lot about the customs, Monuments, Culture, and lifestyles. It was my dream to see all these places that we have been reading about in our history books, specially Bukhara and Samarkand. It was a revelation to know about the Romance of Farhod and Shirin took place here, as we have been hearing about these legendary stories.

Highlights of the Tour:
- Dinner at Registan Restaurant at Samarkand. Great Food, Hospitable Hostess, both the mother and daughter.
- Experience at Hammam at Bukhara. Just took me back to 17th Century.
- Timur's Mausoleum. We cud feel that the Humayun's Tomb in Delhi was Inspired by this architecture.
- All the Beautiful People, it was as if God has created all the best looking people at Uzbek only, it is not that we Indians are not good looking but the beauty was in abundance.
- Cleanliness on the Roads.

Thanks again for everything.

Central Asia Tour: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan
I am back home with sweet memories of my travel. Tour was well arranged. NO problem throughout. All vehicles are in very good condition and comfortable.
Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand arrangements are fine and satisfactory and comfortable. All guides at Tashkent, Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand were very knowledgeable, cooperative and helpful, polite with good understanding. I think in Tashkent you should have given more time instead of only ONE day and that too on arrival day.
Tajikistan was OK because I had few hours, but I am satisfied.
Kyrgyzstan trip was good, but you allocated long stay, it should have been reduced by a day or two.
Almaty was also short stay for just one day, there you should have given 2 or 3 days and many suggested to visit Astana, which was missed.
Driver and Guide in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are extremely helpful, nice, cooperative, and caring. It was nicely arranged travel.
I wish to visit Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia in future, if you arrange it.
Thank YOU for all your e-mail replies to my queries, though very busy which I could see personally.

Transport service
It was a pleasure having your drive us around Uzbekistan, and we liked your company, we found you to be (Mirza driver):
- Very proficient in driving;
- Safe driver who follows all road rules;
- Calm and cool headed in every situation;
- Respectful and well-behaved with customers;
- Very punctual and always on-time;
- Steady driver even on bad roads;
- Someone who takes pride in your profession.
May you always be happy and successful in live.