Customer Reviews

At OrexCA we strive for caring, personalized service for all of our clients, and as such we welcome your feedback, requests and comments. Thank you for helping us to improve our services!

We have loved Uzbekistan
We would like to say: thank you very much! Your drivers and guides were very kind. We have loved Uzbekistan also because of your precious organization. Your country is so beautiful and your services were perfect! From our hearts thank you!

Khiva - Nafosat
Bukhara - Viktoriya
Samarkand - Nargiza
Tashkent - Nigora

Our Happy Travelers

Aral Sea Tour
Everything worked great with our Aral Sea Tour and we were very happy with it, thank you so much.

Central Asia Tour
We are home again. We had a wonderful trip and were impressed by the organisation.
All the guides we had were really good. Drivers they were all there and in time (except one but that was easily fixed). Thanks again.

Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan

Khiva – hotel Malika Kheivak
Darvaza - Yurt/tent
Ashgabat – hotel Sport
Mary – hotel Mary
Bukhara – hotel K.Komil
Samarkand – hotel Gur Emir Palace
Tashkent – hotel ATECA
Almaty – hotel Ramada
Bishkek – hotel Plaza

Italy to Uzbekistan Tour
Thank you so much for the scarf and hat for the men: it was really appreciated! I wanted to thank you because the dinners was excellent, very well prepared and the food was really good.

Last hours in Uzbekistan. It was a beautiful trip, perfectly organized. Our guide, Xurshid, was up to our thousand questions. Always available and very prepared. We were all very happy with his assistance. I want to thank you Sultan here for the very well-organized trip.

May 12 (Sunday): Tashkent
May 13 (Monday): Tashkent – Urgench – Khiva
May 14 (Tuesday): Khiva
May 15 (Wednesday): Khiva – Bukhara
May 16 (Thursday): Bukhara
May 17 (Friday): Bukhara – Samarkand
May 18 (Saturday): Samarkand
May 19 (Sunday): Samarkand – Tashkent

Tashkent – hotel Marwa
Khiva – hotel Euro Asia
Bukhara – hotel Grand Nodirbek
Samarkand - hotel Khan

Trip to Uzbekistan
We completed our tour and tomorrow free time to transfer to airport at 14.00. I want to inform you, we are happy and tour very well organized, thank you for your effort. In general drivers, guides and hotels are well than average.

We are giving our feedback below:
- Urgench airport - Welcome: Perfect.
- Khiva: Hotel very well located, Rooms acceptable, Breakfast poor, Guide excellent, Driver acceptable.
- Bukhara: Hotel Very well located, Rooms Acceptable, Breakfast Acceptable, Guide Acceptable, Driver acceptable.
- Semerkand: Hotel very well located, Rooms poor, Breakfast good, Guide excellent, Driver excellent.
- Kokand, Fergana: Hotel very well located, Rooms excellent, Breakfast rich, Guide acceptable, Driver excellent.
- Tashkent: Hotel very well located, Rooms good, Breakfast rich, Guide excellent, Driver excellent.

Program was our choice of course but perhaps you can consider for your further customers:
- Khiva, Bukhara, Semerkand must to be visited
- Tashkent: A well-constructed capital and nice city; have to be visited but one day sufficient.
- Shahrisabz, Kokand and Fergana should be ignored. If someone doesn't visit, there will be not important loose.

You can also refer us for your further customers. Thank you very much for your excellent organization and service. We are leaving tomorrow with unforgettable memories and numerous photographs, nice souvenirs and silks.

Khiva - hotel Qosha Darvoza
Bukhara - hotel Grand Nodirbek
Samarkand - hotel Zarina
Fergana - hotel Asia
Tashkent - hotel Alpha Plaza

Local guides:
Khiva - Shohruh
Bukhara - Oybek
Samarkand, Shakhrisabz - Otabek
Fergana - Kamol
Tashkent - Dilya

Uzbekistan Private Tour package
Thank you for a well organized trip to Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand.
We are now back in India. Some feedback for you.
For the same three city programme, time in Tashkent could be reduced and time in Bukhara could be increased.
Guides ranking: 1. Nilofer in Samarkand. 2. Venera in Bukhara. 3. Nusrat in Tashkent.
Drivers: All of them were professional, and punctual, as required.
Hotels: Komil in Bukhara, Shohjehon in Samarkand - very good, Ateca in Tashkent - good, Navroz in Tasheknt - okay.

May 9 (Thursday): Tashkent
May 10 (Friday): Tashkent
May 11 (Saturday): Tashkent - Bukhara
May 12 (Sunday): Bukhara - Gijduvan - Samarkand
May 13 (Monday): Samarkand
May 14 (Tuesday): Samarkand - Tashkent
May 15 (Wednesday): Tashkent, departure

Uzbekistan Adventure tour
Thank you very much for organizing our trip. Everything went perfectly. People are very pleased and excited about the journey. So am I. I hope we will have another group for the autumn and for next year. I wish you all the best and lots of work, of course!

April 29 (Monday): Tashkent - Nukus
April 30 (Tuesday): Nukus - Muynak – Usturt Plateau – Aral Sea
May 1 (Wednesday): Kurgancha Kala – Sudochie lake – Kungrad – Nukus
May 2 (Thursday): Nukus - Ancient Fortresses of Khorezm
May 3 (Friday): Yurt camp - Khiva
May 4 (Saturday): Khiva - Bukhara
May 5 (Sunday): Bukhara
May 6 (Monday): Bukhara - Samarkand
May 7 (Tuesday): Samarkand
May 8 (Wednesday): Samarkand, departure

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Private Tour
We have had a great trip with excellent guided & drivers. Thanks very much for organizing it. We have usually done our own organizing so this was different for us but was very good. A few days were a bit strenuous but we had guides who understood & got sufficient rest days. Hilton Astana was the best. Everywhere the staff were friendly & helpful.

India to Uzbekistan Tour
We reached back home safely. Thank you so much for organizing our fabulous tour. It was a truly unforgettable experience. We had absolutely no issues, and the kids had a great time interacting with all our knowledgeable guides. Thank you once again for all your kind help! I will never ever hesitate to recommend your services to my friends and family. Thanks a ton!

Local guides: Chimgan Mountains – Maksim, Khiva – Saida, Bukhara – Dilyafruz, Samarkand – Faridun, Tashkent – Erkin.

Uzbekistan from Italy
Upon returning from our experience in Uzb everything went in the best way.
The choice of hotels, the punctuality of the drivers, the preparation of the guides: really ok.
We thank Sultan who followed us daily through Wattsap and I will not fail to recommend his agency to others

Guides: Khiva - Shohruh, Bukhara - Venera, Samakrand - Munira, Tashkent - Erkin.
Hotels: Nukus - Jipek Joli, Khiva - Orient Star, Bukhara - K.Komil, Samarkand - Gur Emir Palace, Tashkent -ATECA.