International train Tashkent-Dushanbe

There are several transport companies that offer international train travel from Uzbekistan. Check the International trains timetable and learn more about this train below.

International train Tashkent-Dushanbe SV Coupe
Tashkent - Dushanbe 15:38 09:33+1 Tu $65

Please arrive 30 min before departure to allow sufficient time for security procedures.

Often in these trains there are only two types of cars: a coupe with beds for 4 people and an open car with 54 beds per car. When traveling on such trains, it is recommended to have an ample supply of food and personal hygiene products, since the travel time usually takes several days.

Max speed: 100 km/h

Please arrive 45 min before departure to allow sufficient time for boarding.

Wagon Options:
•    2 cars with 36 beds each; 4 beds per compartment (coupe)
•    5 open cars with 54 beds each (platskart)
•    1 dining car
When does the train from Tashkent to Dushanbe run?

Train runs one sin a week, departs from Tashkent at 16:20 on Tuesday and arrives in Dushanbe at 10:40 on Wednesday.

How much does a train ticket cost from Tashkent to Dushanbe?

One-way train ticket from Tashkent (TAS) to Dushanbe (DYU) compartment class is around 55 USD. Compartment class is a 4 bed coupe. Price includes ticket cost, our service fee and all taxes.

How many hours is the train from TAS to DYU?

It takes around 18 hours’ journey from Tashkent to Dushanbe and helps to discover both the country from the window. We advise you to prepare snacks for this trip.

Can I change the date of my train ticket from Tashkent to Dushanbe?

Yes, you can change the travel date of your train ticket from Tashkent to Dushanbe. OREXCA can change the ticket date without any fee if you bought a ticket with us. Make sure you have a valid visa for travel dates.

Do I need to pay a cancellation fee if I cancel my train ticket from Tashkent to Dushanbe?

We understand that your situation can change unexpectedly, so we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to cancel your train ticket. In case the customer requests cancellation of the train ticket: 30 or more days 10 USD, 7 to 29 days 50%, 6 or fewer days 100% of the ticket. Please contact your private travel agent and get a flexible cancellation policy.